Sunday, 22 November 2009

A plithery of events...

So I wouldn't exactly call it a plithery but a lot of stuff that happened. By the way I cannot spell plithery to save my life.

Okay, so apparently I make people laugh. I'm glad to know that people across the world find laughter from my suffering. 

Now that's done. 

I went out this week. YAY ME! *Clears throat* Anyway, I went out this week, after the drenching incident, to a gig. Then from the awesomely amazing DragonForce gig that my awesomely amazing brother Duncan got me freebies too I stayed round my friend Jess's. Then I went from there to work with her during the day, (Which basically consisted of visiting a load of randomers houses because she cleans them with her mother), and we were meant to go to the cinema in ashford. Well that was fun. We got there and all the tickets to the movie we wanted to see were sold out. Although I don't know how we expected it not to be as it is New Moon. So I don't think I'll be able to see that before it comes out on DVD because I spent the money bowling instead. That was a laugh and a half I can tell you. 

But backing up a little, I can not for the life of me remember who was on before DragonForce but they were AWESOME! Just had to get that across. I will so be listening to more of their music. DragonForce was amazing but we only got to see a little of it because Jess's mother couldn't wait for it to finish before taking us home, that would of meant sitting in the car for like three hours. And that was a no no. 

Anywho...I then went bowling the next night. Well that was fun. I came third out of four of us :(. The whole bowling process was quite weird I suppose. I walked over to the line and stood waiting for Jess who would carry over a ball. I would then give her my right crutch and take the ball, attempting to throw it and actually knock over some pins before having to quickly grab my other crutch and wait for Jess to bring another ball which I would then throw at the remaining pins before hobbling back to my seat. One of the best parts of the night must have been that the score board mocked you. If it got in the gutter or you missed the spare it would actually come up as little animations of pins evading the ball in different ways. 

Then of course when we left the bowling alley, not only did Jess steal her shoes because she found another pair and wanted hers. But she also let go of me. 

I was in my wheelchair and we were exiting the automatic doors but they continued to close on Jess so she let go of me and I went whizzing towards the main road screaming like a banshee, it not occuring to my I can stop myself with my new self propelling wheelchair. Lucky my friend Pairs was their to grab me. 

And I must not forget the busses. I was on the bus both times with my breaks on pressed up against the backrest as you should be but somehow I managed to go skidding out of control when the bus took a bad corner. I nearly gave Jess a heart attack I'll tell you. I just laughed. It was quite funny. 

She deserved the scare anyway as the night before she slammed my fingers in the car door as I was trying to get in and barely missed breaking my knuckles. No harm done though as my mother opened the door eventually. I swear, how you can scream "OPEN THE DOOR!" ten times at people before they understand one of them needs to open the door is beyond me. 

Also there was the splits moment. I was walking inside and my shoes and crutches were wet so when I put them on the floor they slid out from under me and I ended up doing the splits slightly. I was nowhere near all the way down but not being able to move my leg like that without serious pain I hadn't done it for a while and let me tell you it REALLY hurt. 

Actually it's been raining a lot lately so my crutches have slipped quite a bit. I think I've put a little bit of weight on my foot a few times but it can't be helped. I'm sure I'll feel it if something is wrong. 

Basically that's what's happened with me. 

Oh! I had my bandages changed and the horid-ness of the wound by my pelvis made me want to blow chunks. The stench and look...just gahstly. I wish I could leave the picture but it's on mothers phone so I don't have it yet. I will make sure to get it though. Right now I will leave you the pictures from my hair dying nightmare and the gig. Because I'm nice :). 

So that was the gig. Just a side note none of the pictures are in order and DragonForce is not on the stage in any because we were too into the music by that point to take pictures. Same for the one band that really got the crowd going the bands onstage are Glamor Of The Kill and a random band whose name I do not know O.o 

The hair disaster. 


A random photo in which I am in my new top which I talked about AGES ago. 

So I shall be back soon my lovelies until then. Goodnight. 

P.S. A quote that is helping me recover - "Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it." Tori Amos.

P.P.S - Something you might find amusing. I danced around my room to 'I am the one and only' yesterday swinging my crutches in the air and standing on one leg when I managed to get myself out of bed and to the toilet. My mother hand to help me back into bed but that is a different matter altogether and does in no way take away from my achievement.

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Drenched :(

So yesterday was Saturday here in jolly old. I can tell you now I was not Jolly. I don't think anyone was Jolly. I went out with my friends in my wheelchair because obviously I had nothing better to do and I'd been cooped up in hospital for six days so I wanted to go out :). Well we went out and had a boring yet nice time until it started to rain, and when I say rain I mean pour and when I say pour I mean imagine giants throwing buckets of water on us relentlessly and you've got it. The houses at the bottom of my road were flooding there were little rivers running down the streets and there were 60-70mph winds. So yeah not the best first day out. I got soaked through, my friends had to push me through rivers to get up to the house. When I came in I was dripping water everywhere as were my friends. It was rolling off us. 

Apart from that though...

Today I found this My Life As A Movie Soundtrack thingy and you have to put your Ipod on shuffle, press next so the first song is random and not the one you were listening to then write down the name of the song next to the first part of the list. Then you press next again, don't listen to the whole song because then it takes aaaggggeesss! And it's not you making your life lol. Seriously though I pressed next on every song and just wrote it down. I'll give you my list in a sec. It worked quite well, some of the songs you have to think about relating to the thing but apart from that it's okay. Oh and sometimes you might have to think about the beat rather than the actual song but listen to the words of most :). I swear I didn't cheat I just literally wrote down what the song that came on was. So look at mine and then have a go yourself. If you don't have an Ipod try just using your songs on the computer because I know windows media player has a shuffle option....or mine does :) anyway...

Here: My Life As A Movie Soundtrack

Opening Credits: Welcome To My Life - Simple Plan
Waking Up: The Killer Anna - Medic Droid
First Day At School: The Little Things - Good Charlotte
Falling In Love: Wherever You Will Go - The Sign
Fight Song: Live Like You’re Dying - Lenka
Breaking Up: Bring Me Down - Lenka
Prom Night: Call And Return - HelloGoodbye
Life: Just Dance - Lady Ga Ga
Mental Breakdown: Vampires Will Never Hurt You - My Chemical Romance
Flashback: The Power Of Love - Celine Dion
Getting Back Together: Amazing - Westlife
Wedding: I’ll Be There - Jackson 5
Birth Of A Child: Knock Knock - Lenka
Final Battle: Breakaway - Kelly Clarkson
Funeral Song: How Do I Live - LeAnn Rimes
Final Credits: Disenchanted - My Chemical Romance

I am awear this is only one of the lists you can get. They can be in different orders or longer with extra things and stuff but this is the one I did. So have fun and let me know what you think of mine and what yours is :).

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Home Sweet...Oh Shove It!

I suppose everyone thought the title to this would be the age old saying 'Home Sweet Home'. At the moment I think 'Home Sweet.....Oh Shove It!' covers it better. I could of said 'home sweet home' but what a lie that would be. I mean you get home, you're in pain and you're family are onto you to move more than anyone else. Now before you start saying "The more you move the better it'll get." I think it's only fair to let you know if that's said I'll grab you, pull your tongue out and shove it where the sun don't shine. Maybe it's the temper coming out in me or maybe it's the frustration. All I know is that if I hear that one more time people will die. 

Now because inside I generally am a nice person I'll tell you why I feel this way, imagine: You're a fourteen year old girl, not only have you just had a major operation on your hip but you have then learned to walk again and been in some 'I didn't know this type of pain existed out of child birth' type pain but this has occurred all in the space of seven days. You were not very forewarned at all about what the aftermath of the operation would be like and oh you're home your dad keeps saying you could of been out earlier and your mum keeps telling you that you must move more, no matter going up and down the stairs 50 times the first day you're home. Also you need help to the toilet by you're mother which means she's seen your bajingo. Then there's always the chance one day she'll be out and you're dad will have to do it, god forbid. Oh and lets not forget the annoying older brother making cracks about you doing things you obviously can't. Then you can't get comfortable no matter what, you can't lift you leg or butt on your own properly and you can't bend your knee properly. Then there's the added bonus that you sleep all curled up in a ball and you can't because you can't turn yourself over.....Oh and to top it all off, not only are you trying to cut out the pain killers and only have them before you sleep so you can go to bed but you've just come on your period so you feel sick and crampy and need to use the loo a hundred times a day. So yeah at the moment you feel in tip-top shape...not. 

Anyway there was this one funny nurse at the hospital called Mark that used to bring me my pain killers and if I could of moved I fear I would have attacked him at some point although he was a lovely, funny guy. 

Apart from this lot my first day home has been quite good, watched a film. Now I'm going to try and get comfortable to get some sleep. Ha that'll take me a good couple of hours.....maybe I'll pass out from exhaustion. 

And really if I get a comment saying anything along the lines of:

1. Smile through the pain.
2. Focus on your breathing.
3. It'll get better. 
4. The more you move the easier it will become. 
5. I'm sure it's not that bad.
6. Oh you poor thing. 

I'll kill someone, probably the comment sender. Really I don't need sympathy. I need a good old fashioned: 

Sucks to be you. 


Thursday, 5 November 2009


Just a quick update to say I have my operation tomorrow so forgive me if I don't update for a while. My friends have all been really nice and are planning on coming to see me saturday while i'm in hospital. Also I have a massive good luck card I'll put a picture up of when I get back. If I do ;). Jokes.

Love to anyone who reads this :)

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Halloween and Spoons...

Well...I know I haven't posted for ages so please attack me with sharp....spoons. Hmmm....rather pathetic finish there with spoons but I suppose I'd rather no be attacked with things that might actually hurt. Anyway...

I have a humble package of information I'm dying to share because only people that probably already know read this but anyway I suppose if anyone stumbles onto this and is interested in my boring life then it will be fine and dandy. They might even find something intereting on here.

Anyway Halloween...

So this Halloween we decided to go trick or treating because this might be the last year we can. Obviously we all decided to dress up. We chose to be our favorite horror movie characters but in the end we just ended up like a bunch of dead people and a cat. So you wanna see a picture?

So what do you think? Huh? I'm the one in the center, to the right (holding the phone) is Jess, Olivia (Our year 7 friend) is on my other side. The blond behind her is Amy, the one poking up above my head is Sarah and next to her with the ears on is Shannon. (She looked more like a cat in real life :))

You can't see Shannon and Sarah that well in this, or Amy and Olivia but you see most of Jess and I. I think the rose is a nice touch :). I did actually carry that around with me too. 

Even though I look like a bit of an idiot in this I think it's by far the coolest picture. Jess looks proper cool with her fringe over her eyes and Shannon, Sarah and Amy look amazingly funny. 


We went trick or treating and while we were out the weirdest thing happened that just about freaked the hell out of all of us. Olivia the little year 7 came up to me and mumbled something and so I asked what she said as you would and she said "I want to grope someone". Well I stopped put my hand on her arm and ducked my head down to the side a bit, like adults do when their talking to children and I said "What did you say?" she looked at me and said, "I wanna group someone. Can I?" So I just kinda went ergh...then I said "Why don't you ask Shannon." Because Shannon is the one that is friends with her most and I didn't really know how to say that's a little weird. So then Sarah comes over to us (we were walking behind the others) ans says "What's up guys?" and Olivia looks across me to Sarah on my other side and says "I want to grope someone." So Sarah and I looked at each other like errr....and Oliva cuts across us to walk on the other side of Sarah and goes "Fine I'll grope myself then." and started feeling her boob. Obviously we were completly freaked out and told everyone else, then everyone was like apart from Amy falling down a step and that the rest of the trick or treating went all right.

We got home and ordered a Pizza, which while we were out Olivia had continually told us she didn't like, and sat in my room eating sweets. Everyone was staying over apart from Olivia and between you and me we were quite glad of that now. Anyway she told a scary story which made no sense and everyone was questioning it and I believe she got quite fed up but you know, these things happen. There was other mindless chatter including me saying, "I have a scary story....a load of annoying teenagers went into a field and died because they were twats." My friend's laughed because they couldn't question the logic and Olivia tried to copy the story because my friends had given it a round of applause. 

Then the Pizza arrived and Olivia wanted some. We didn't give her any because there was hardly enough for us and she hadn't paid for it. Then her dad turned up and she went home. The rest of the night we watched scary movies and talked to the boys over the phone. 

So Halloween was good. 

Then before all this we have had half term. SO this meant I went to the hospital. 

You'll never guess what happened I got a date for the operation. And what date is it? 4th of December. When I'm meant to be going to see Escape The Fate and Hollywood Undead. I nearly cried but what can you do eh?


Then obviously Joelle my other friend went to Spain. She got everyone a bracelet. I was happy because I'm building up quite a collection. 

The first one is a load of coloured strings that are into a bracelet and I brought that for myself. Then is a hairband I've had for ages and after their is a small string that came off of the bracelet my friend Alex brought me from Devon, then the big blue bracelet is the one I got from Joelle from Spain, then there is the green one Alex brought me from Devon (the one with the big ball on it) and the last one is the one my friend from out of school (not the one in the pictures) Jess brought me when she went up north. 

This is a lighter picture but it doesn't show the colours properly. Anyway I have these on all the time along with my starry sweat-band I wear on the other writst. I'll have to put a picture of that up one day. 

This has been quite a long post but I better go because I'm back at school now. I had today off because of my hip again but tomorrow hopefully I'll be alright to go in. So I'm going to leave now. Bye.

Oh just to add - Don't you think the big yellow bag advert is the weirdest? I might find it online and leave a link HERE! It is very catchy though...