Thursday, 15 October 2009


Ooooh..I bet you're thinking what the hell is she doing back? I'm tricky I know...anyways...

I was reading my friends blog which is which you should soooo check out because she is like supercool :).

So anyways I read her blog and it reminded me of this really funny moment at school. My friend called Joelle and I were like walking along to meet our other friends who were waiting in the car park because Short and Stubby and her lesbian partner (two of the the dinner ladies at our school) had chased them out from sitting under the stairs, anyway that is another story for another day but if you wanna know now I'd look at the magical adventures of ketchup blog because it's all on there anyways......

Me and Joelle were walking to find them and we did and as there's a hedge that blacks part of where they were standing we saw them first because we were coming from around the hedge and they couldn't see us. So then my friend goes shout 'beans that make you fart' because one of our other friends last names is Hinez but spelt (just a side note the spell check recognizes oops but not spelt what the hell?) different. And so I shouted as loud as I could 'BEANS THAT MAKE YOU FART!

It was funny and everyone was like WTH? And then we realized that our tech teacher was like RIGHT behind me and we were all like oops. And if you aren't laughing then you're a stick in the mud. 

Anyhow at the end of that lunch we were all going to our next lesson (obviously) then one of our friends had to go the opposite way and I was like 'AMY YOU'RE SKIRTS GONE UP!' because like Joelle and Jess told me to and it like hadn't so she checked and we were like cracked up for ages for no reason. 

I have no idea why you might like to know that but whatever....

Now i'm going to go because the hills is on and it's like frying my brain so goodbye. 

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